Heartland Catfish Catfish Whole Head Off Individual Quick Frozen 15/17, 17.5 Ounce / 15 pound case

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Sale price$106.77

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15# Heartland Catfish - Whole Catfish
Our frozen products are Individually Quick Frozen (IQF) in a matter of minutes to preserve their freshness and ensure our customers receive superior-quality catfish year-round. Heartland Catfish Company is able to freeze all of our production every day in company-owned storage freezers. In fact, we have the largest in-house storage capacity in the industry, at more than 2,000,000 pounds.

Ingredients: Catfish, Water, Potassim Carbonate, Sodium Citrate, And Salt.

Allergens: Not Available

Storage: Keep frozen until ready to use.

  • With the rich flavor of meat on the bone, our whole dressed catfish are perfects for chefs and cooks who need whole fish for a favoriteᅠrecipeᅠor prefer to make their own signature cuts.
  • U.S. farm-raised Heartland Catfish whole dressed fish are the complete package when it comes to quality and quantity. Step out of the box and create the cut that works best for you.
  • Individually Quick Frozen (IQF) whole dressed catfish are frozen in a matter of minutes to ensure freshness and flavor year-round. Preserved freshness and appearance Maintained nutritional value Reduced cross-contamination Safe shipping

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