Charlie's Soap Laundry Powder Cleanses Your Laundry Sometimes The Best Way To Reap The Greatest Benefit Is To Start From Scratch, Choosing Charlie's Soap Allows You To Do Just That. Repeated Washing With Many Laundry Detergents Can Leave Residues In Both Your Washer And Your Wash That Can Irritate Sensitive Skin. Charlie's Soap Is A Soothing, Safe Effective And Biodegradable Detergent That Leaves Nothing But The Sweet Smell Of The Clean Between Your Clothes And Your Skin. Laundry Powder Packets Come In A 0.51 Kg. Packet That Is Good For One Wash Per Packet.
Ingredients: Sodium Carbonate,ethoxylated Alcohols,sodium Metasilicate. Packet: Cellulose Gum
Storage: Store at room temperature
Ingredients: Sodium Carbonate,ethoxylated Alcohols,sodium Metasilicate. Packet: Cellulose Gum
Storage: Store at room temperature