Monin Strawberry 12PK-750ML
Is it the bright red color, the sweet juiciness or the familiar aroma that make strawberries so delicious Our Strawberry Syrup bottles their celebrated sweetness for your favorite cocktails, mocktails, sodas and teas. Monin Strawberry Syrup brings a touch of classic sweetness to smoothies, shakes, desserts, sodas and cocktails.
Ingredients: Pure Cane Sugar, Water, Natural Flavor, Citric Acid, Vegetable Juice (color).
Allergens: Not Available
Storage: For unopened product store in ambient, dry space away from heat and direct sunlight.
Is it the bright red color, the sweet juiciness or the familiar aroma that make strawberries so delicious Our Strawberry Syrup bottles their celebrated sweetness for your favorite cocktails, mocktails, sodas and teas. Monin Strawberry Syrup brings a touch of classic sweetness to smoothies, shakes, desserts, sodas and cocktails.
Ingredients: Pure Cane Sugar, Water, Natural Flavor, Citric Acid, Vegetable Juice (color).
Allergens: Not Available
Storage: For unopened product store in ambient, dry space away from heat and direct sunlight.
- Monin Strawberry 12PK-750ML