Monin White Chocolate 12pk-750ml
The rich, creamy, cocoa butter taste of white chocolate makes it a smooth, seductive favorite. Our White Chocolate Syrup perfectly complements and enhances other flavors. Monin White Chocolate Syrup adds rich deliciousness to lattes, mochas, milkshakes and cocktails.
Ingredients: Pure Cane Sugar, Water, Natural Flavor, Natural White Chocolate Flavor.
Allergens: Not Available
Storage: For unopened product store in ambient, dry space away from heat and direct sunlight.
The rich, creamy, cocoa butter taste of white chocolate makes it a smooth, seductive favorite. Our White Chocolate Syrup perfectly complements and enhances other flavors. Monin White Chocolate Syrup adds rich deliciousness to lattes, mochas, milkshakes and cocktails.
Ingredients: Pure Cane Sugar, Water, Natural Flavor, Natural White Chocolate Flavor.
Allergens: Not Available
Storage: For unopened product store in ambient, dry space away from heat and direct sunlight.
- Monin White Chocolate 12pk-750ml